Chetwyn's October News
Published: Tue, 10/05/21
Fall Fruit and Friends Hi, October is here. The sun is lower in the sky, the nights are cooling off, and it's time to bring out the pumpkins! But even…
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Chetwyn Farm
Published: Tue, 10/05/21
Fall Fruit and Friends Hi, October is here. The sun is lower in the sky, the nights are cooling off, and it's time to bring out the pumpkins! But even…
Published: Wed, 09/01/21
From Farm to Market & We Can Can! Dear, Another month gone. Wow, this year has been going by fast. Enjoy reading through our final summer newsletter…
Published: Sun, 08/01/21
Figs, Facts, and Pigs Hi, The figs are getting ripe! At the end of the month, we are bringing the following varieties to the market: Black Mission,…
Published: Thu, 07/01/21
Ferns, Friends, and Fruit on Toast Hi, We are finished with all our early varieties of avocado. This month, we will be bringing Hass and Gem avocados…
Published: Tue, 06/01/21
Summertime Citrus Greetings, Summer is here at Chetwyn! The weather is mild, the skies are blue, and the hills surrounding our farm have turned a…
Published: Sat, 05/01/21
Flowers and Farm Wilderness Good day, So glad you are joining us for another newsletter! We have lots to share--from blossom e plosions to puppies--…
Published: Thu, 04/01/21
Spring Has Sprung Greetings, The winter and spring rains have slowly changed our hills from grey-ish brown to bright green, and daffodils along our…
Published: Tue, 02/16/21
An Update from Chetwyn Hi, Since the creation of our farm in 2010, we have been learning new things every day. We are e cited that you are joining us…
Published: Sat, 02/06/21
Hi, Thank you for joining our Chetwyn Farm email list. We are e cited to start sending you a monthly inside look of what’s going on around the farm.